Unlock Blog
We're building the new business model for the web that empowers creators. Unlock the potential of memberships!
By James Au on
Unlock's CEO Julien Genestoux and adviser Amber Case answer Reddit's questions about Unlock
By Crystal Street on
We’re so pleased that eight teams won a little $UDT for deploying our protocol in their projects. Seeing what’s possible with Unlock by such amazingly creative and brilliant dev teams is a pure delight for the Unlock team.
By Crystal Street on
We’re thrilled to have musician, producer, and performer Kale Nixon on board as a grantee! Kale will be integrating Unlock with the various aspects of their online presence and creating examples of how Unlock can support creators, musicians, and more
By Austin Robey on
For musicians, Unlock Protocol (and other Web 3.0 tooling) enables many new ways to be supported by their community.
By Amber Case on
Unlock Grantee Austin Robey recently concocted one of the most practical applications of NFTs I’ve ever seen using Unlock’s protocol: Meeting IRL over a great meal.
By Julien Genestoux on
The team at Novum Insights has received a grant to build a Firebase integration to let any developer on that platform easily integrate a membership in their application!
By Julien Genestoux on
Welcome UX/Monetization Expert Amber Case as Strategic Advisor to Unlock! Here’s the Kind of Applications & Partnerships She'll Help Build With Our Community
By Julien Genestoux on
At Unlock, we believe that hackers and makers will be building a better version of the web. For this reason, we are sponsors for HackFS, and we give our community the power to vote on the best projects!
By Amber Case on
We are so excited to announce the following grant recipients for our second cohort! Our grant selection committee carefully reviewed each project and, the winners were chosen for their vision and potential growth for the protocol.
By Julien Genestoux on
We're very excited to introduce the Unlock Decentraland integration! It lets Decentralandd developers easily create private spaces that only users who own a specific NFT can access!